Our last weekend in Nashville was quite eventful. Wes and I both worked full time up until Friday, I was in a wedding on Friday night, Wes was leading worship at church on Sunday morning, he had a work function to go to Sunday afternoon, and we were pulling out on Sunday evening. Whew! My oh-so-wonderful family came into town for the weekend as well, and were a huge, enormous help with packing and loading the truck. Our awesome friends Sara and Kevin were also a huge help loading the truck on Saturday. Thanks, guys!
This post will have a TON of pictures because I LOVE pictures and I must document everything that happens in our lives. So here you go. Here is one of my mom and niece Rylie packing like maniacs! Rylie was such a big help.
She finally found the Sharpie for us!
On Saturday while we were working, our dear friends Brad and Allie stopped by. They got married the night before and came by on their way to the honeymoon to say goodbye! (Notice the "Team Walters" shirts Wes and I are wearing -- Brad and Allie made those for us)
After a day of hard work, all of us went to downtown Nashville for one last time before the move. :( We had lots of fun, though.
I took this pic of me and my sis, Ashley as we were walking across the street. Those are some skills.
I absolutely love this one of Uncle Wes and Rylie walking downtown. Presh.
On Sunday, after church and the work function, and after having our friends and family helping us frantically load up the rest of our stuff in the truck, we all gathered around and our friend Zeb prayed for us. Thank you so much to all our wonderful friends who came and helped us and to see us off! We love you all!
This was a very bittersweet day, and very hard saying goodbye to our family and friends in Nashville. However, we know that is just part of this, and when God calls you to something, it means sacrifice sometimes. We had a sadness, but also a joy knowing that we are following God's call on our lives right now to move to Buffalo. I'm thankful and humbled that He has chosen us for this.
Alright, so on to more pictures! Here is Wes white-knuckling it while driving the 16' trailer which also was pulling our Saturn on a dolly behind it. It was a bit scary at times, but he was awesome and drove us safely about 14 hours to New York.
Here are some scenery shots I took from the truck. We had a gorgeous drive with all the fall colors.

And I'll just leave you with this. No explanation necessary, except I love my husband.