Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Christmas celebrations & Bringing in '09

We had a wonderful Christmas in Alabama.  Leslie's entire family lives within 20 miles of each other, so it's great that we get to see them all at the holidays.  We started off at Granny's on Christmas Eve with lots of delicious goodies and presents.  Here is Granny and Mom:

Here's  a shot of all the ladies - four generations of females only!  And my sister Ashley has one more girl on the way! :)

Me and my beautiful (& preggers) sister Ashley:

After Granny's we headed over to Grandmama and Grandaddy's for a fabulous Christmas Eve dinner and more presents.  Here is G'mama, Ashley, and my niece Rylie:

And Mom, Dad, and Aunt Susan... and check out the spread!  Yum-O!

Me and Susie:

G'mama and G'daddy with his new present:

And Rylie chilling out with her Uncle Wes:

On Christmas Day, for the first time in all my 29 years, we did not go anywhere!  Wes and I were at Mom and Dad's and we just relaxed, watched Christmas movies, and ate all day until Ashley, Josh, and Rylie came over that evening.  It was wonderful.  Here is Boston loving all his toys from his stocking that his Gram and Pop gave him:

Approximately 5 minutes after this picture was taken, he had ripped the head off the stuffed cat.  Oh well.

Mom and I made lots of treats on Christmas morning:

That evening we did our family's gifts.  Here is the awesome shirt we got my dad:

And for some reason I didn't take many pictures of us opening our presents, so that's all for that.  We had lots of fun, though, giving and receiving all the great gifts and spending time together!  After presents, we all watched "Christmas Vacation" which is the perfect ending to Christmas Day.

The day after Christmas we had our festivities at my Big Daddy and Nanny's house (my other grandparents), but I believe I forgot my camera and therefore have nothing to show for that day.  It was a great time too, though!

December 27th was my cousin Kiley's 8th birthday, and I am so happy she had a skating party!  Wes and I have been roller skating three times in the last four months -- it's been a good year.  Here is the birthday girl in her birthday shirt:

Rylie and I had a blast skating together.

And Wes had to show her the proper form at skee ball.

Later that day we had some Wal-Mart fun, of course.  We couldn't believe what we saw at the Gadsden, Alabama Wal-Mart!

Trust us, that is nothing like the real thing.  And Wes and Rylie having fun at the after Christmas sale - how cute are they?

Another highlight of the holidays was getting to see some dear, dear friends who were also in Gadsden visiting.  It was SO GREAT to see Brandie, Kinsey, Michael, Ashley, and their precious kids since this only happens once a year if we're lucky.  I have been friends with these girls for almost 20 years.  I cannot believe I can even say that.  Yikes!

So we drove the (terribly) long journey back to Buffalo and got ready to bring in the new year.  We had a Restoration Church staff Christmas/New Year's party on New Year's Eve and it was fun.  This is how you store your sparkling grape juice in Buffalo:

Here is a shot of everyone right after midnight enjoying our sparkling grape juice.  This is Alex, the executive pastor and his wife Jennifer.

And our children's minister, Derek, and his wife Michelle:

Here is Sam and Nick, Pastor Dan's 9 year old twin boys.  As you can see, they were excited to be awake past midnight.

And the pastor, Dan, and his wife Gina:

And us:

Whew, that was a lot of pictures.  What can I say?  I love pictures!

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