Saturday, February 7, 2009

Life Lately

So we have a new look for our blog. We like it. Anyway, we've been having some fun times with friends from church lately. Our small group went out to dinner one night for our weekly get together and had a great time. We're going to try to do this once every month or two just to get out into the community. This was our first time, and already we had a chance to share about Restoration Church because our waitress asked us what our group was doing!

For the Super Bowl, Dan (the pastor) invited people from the church to their house. There were around 25 people there, lots of food, and it was a great time to get to know some new people. Here are a couple shots from that night:

This past week I (Leslie) have been busy working on a project. One of the local churches here has been kind enough to let Wes, Dan, and Alex have the use of one of their vacant offices. This has been great for them since our church does not own a space yet and it gives them the opportunity to work together a few days a week. Anyhow, it was a bit bland and they wanted to warm it up a bit so they asked me and Gina (Dan's wife) to fix it up. We only had a budget of $100 and we needed paint, paint supplies, window treatment, a rug, decor, and accessories. We did a lot of shopping for bargains and although we didn't have enough for a rug, I think it's definitely an improvement!  Here is the office BEFORE:

Here is a DURING shot:

And here is the office AFTER: (It's not the best pic, but you get the idea)

We still have lots and lots of snow everywhere. We're not gonna lie, we are ready for some spring weather! This picture is of our front yard and it was taken yesterday:

No joke, our front yard has looked like this since December.
Here is our street:

It just never gets warm enough for long enough for any of these mounds of snow to melt. We're hoping we will start to see grass at least in March!

Now THIS is the most exciting thing that has happened in a while... We have found a good Mexican restaurant in Buffalo!! We've been pretty sad because there are not many Mexican places here, and the first one we went to was less than stellar. Well, we came across El Palenque and our lives have been changed. They have a great white cheese dip and really good food like we're used to.  We went last night and it was delish!

As you can see we're pretty excited.  After we ate there, Wes played a show at a restaurant called Merge. It's a very cool place that just recently opened up downtown, and it's about 5 minutes from our house.  He did a fabulous job as usual, and here is a shot of it:

So that's what's been going on with the Walters lately. And hey, if you're reading this, leave us a comment why don't ya!?


Anonymous said...

Hey my darlings,
I really enjoyed catching up with you guys cause I miss yall! I was so glad to see yall found a mexican resturant to your liking. I have been really worried about that. No seriously that was one of my prayer request! Have I told you guys how very proud and full of chicken balls I am when I read your blog? Well consider yourself told!! I am so happy that so many opportunities for your church is taking off--just the simple way GOD provides you with answering--WHY ARE YOU HERE?!?! We were able to witness that first hand!!!WOW!! Well gotta go now, I hope I can find my way outa here, you know your mama!! Hugs and lots of kisses I love you babies.

Anonymous said...

Hello Walters,
Ok so i m commenting cause you said so and I actually have a second! You guys are so stinking cute, I am glad things are going great for you two, God is good. Well it is amazingly beautiful out side today so here I go to make dirt food with the kid o's. bye you two crazy kids :P

leanna said...

aw, your life looks so happy ] i'm glad things are going so well for you.

p.s. the captcha i have to type to comment on this post is 'nogras' ... which is surprisingly fitting, given all the snowy pictures. heh.